7 Questions We Have For @NotKarltonBanks About #IGCOGIC

Full disclaimer, I've been apart of @NotKartonBanks #IGCOGIC --Instagram Church of God in Christ-- since his dorm room videos of Lee Lee crying because her mom Joyce is filled with the holy spirit and the youth choir's neck snaps as the walked into the choir stands. Thanks to my grandfather, my sister and I spent most of our Sunday morning waking up at the crack of dawn to attend church --shout out to Walls Memorial AME Zion Church--, and I now find myself in tears reliving those memories through @NotKarltonBanks funny videos. Those who grew up in the church know how familiar the characters portrayed by the social media comedian are, from the mean Patrice "Sister Bun" to bad ass Lee Lee. Of course, as a long time fan, I have a few questions for the man behind the laughs Karlton Humes, so based on his past videos, here are my seven questions about #IGCOGIC.

1. What happened to Sister Guest Church?

Introduction of the characters. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

A post shared by Karlton Humes (@notkarltonbanks) on

2. Does Lee Lee still have Sister Squints glasses?

3. Who died that made Sister Bun permanently angry? 

4. What happened to Sister Mary's bae?

5. Did Lee Lee ever get in trouble for slapping her Great Aunt?

6. What happen to Sister Bun's child? 

7. Where did Lee Lee pick up flipping the bird to everyone